Some immunization proponents have argued convincingly that states should retain nonmedical exemptions to avoid inflaming the resistance of antivaccination activists and that legislators and health officials should proceed carefully as they press for change. Nevertheless, vaccination laws have a proven track record over more than two centuries, and strengthening them will probably be the most effective means of achieving higher immunization rates in both the short and long terms. Even the most well-crafted persuasive appeals cannot achieve the nearly universal vaccine uptake needed to maintain herd immunity for highly contagious diseases such as measles.
Some immunization proponents have argued convincingly that states should retain nonmedical exemptions 予防接種支持者の中には確信を持って州が医学以外の免除を残す(retainべきだと主張している。
to avoid inflaming the resistance of antivaccination activists 反ワクチン活動家の抵抗に火を付けるのを避けるために。inflameは文字通り「炎上させる」です。
and that legislators and health officials should proceed carefully as they press for change. 議員と健康担当者は変化を求めるときには注意深くものごとを進めるべきであると(主張している)。
Nevertheless, vaccination laws have a proven track record over more than two centuries, しかし、予防接種法は2世紀以上も実績(track record)を証明している。
and strengthening them will probably be the most effective means of achieving higher immunization rates in both the short and long terms. それを強化するのがおそらくは最も効果的に高い接種率を短期、長期両方においてもたらす手段であろう。
Even the most well-crafted persuasive appeals cannot achieve the nearly universal vaccine uptake もっとも巧みに作り上げられた説得手法も万人へのワクチン接種を果たせなかった。
needed to maintain herd immunity for highly contagious diseases such as measles.麻疹のような伝染性の高い疾患への「群れの免疫」を維持するのに必要な、、
今日学んだ単語:retain, inflame, track record