Coercion is the older tradition in public health. During the 19th century, many states and localities passed compulsory-smallpox-vaccination laws covering both children and adults. These laws were of a piece with an expansive network of public health regulations that arose in that era concerning practices such as quarantine, sanitation, and tenement construction. Vaccination laws imposed various penalties, including exclusion from school for unvaccinated children and fines or quarantine for adults who refused vaccination. The effectiveness of the laws was soon demonstrated — jurisdictions with them consistently had fewer disease outbreaks than those without — and their constitutionality was upheld in numerous court challenges that culminated in the 1905 Supreme Court case of Jacobson v. Massachusetts.
Coercion is the older tradition in public health. 強制は公衆衛生の古き伝統だ。なんか、すごいですね。
During the 19th century, many states and localities passed compulsory-smallpox-vaccination laws covering both children and adults. 19世紀には多くの州(states)と地域(localities)が強制天然痘ワクチン接種法を通過させた。compulsoryが強制、smallpoxは天然痘、超基本単語です。で、さらに説明していて、covering both children and adults子供も成人もってことですね。
These laws were of a piece ここはちとややこしいです。まず「法律は部分(a piece)だった」という謎の文章で始まります。で、説明が入ります。結論ー>説明、という英語のリズムに慣れましょう。
with an expansive network of public health regulationsどんどんでかくなる公衆衛生規則のネットワークに付随する、です。さらに、
that arose in that era それが起ったのはその時代だった。なんのこっちゃ、で説明。
concerning practices such as quarantine, sanitation, and tenement construction. 検疫(あるいは隔離、quarantine)、衛生(sanitation)、そして共同住居(tenement)建設のようなプラクティスに関する、ということ。19世紀に公衆衛生に関するいろんなことが起きたんですよ〜そんときのワクチン接種は強制でしたよ〜ってことです。
Vaccination laws imposed various penalties,ワクチン法はいろいろな罰則規定を課しました。例えば、
including exclusion from school for unvaccinated children and fines or quarantine for adults who refused vaccination. ワクチンを打ってない子供を学校から排除したり、ワクチンを拒否した成人に罰金を科したり隔離したりした。へ〜、黒歴史〜
The effectiveness of the laws was soon demonstrated —法律の効果はすぐに現れた。
jurisdictions with them consistently had fewer disease outbreaks than those without jurisdictionは管轄、区域。法律のある区域(jurisdictions with them)は一貫して(consistently)、法律のない地域(those without)よりも疾病アウトブレイクは少なかったのだ。
and their constitutionality was upheld in numerous court challenges
that culminated in the 1905 Supreme Court case of Jacobson v. Massachusetts.
今日学んだ単語:compulsory, smallpox, quarantine, sanitation