Persuasion became an important part of the public health tool kit in the 1920s, with the rise of modern forms of mass media. Health professionals began to draw on techniques from the emerging fields of advertising and public relations to sell people on the importance of childhood immunization against diphtheria and pertussis. Such appeals began to acquire a more scientific basis in the 1950s, after the development of the polio vaccine, when sociologists, psychologists, and other social scientists began to identify the attitudes, beliefs, and social contexts that predicted vaccine-related behaviors. Their efforts brought increasing theoretical and empirical rigor to the study of why people accepted or declined vaccination for themselves and their children, and health professionals used these insights to develop approaches to increase uptake of vaccines, such as enlisting community opinion leaders as allies. Persuasive approaches, because they are less restrictive, are ethically preferable and more politically acceptable, but they are also time consuming and labor-intensive, and evidence indicates that by themselves they are ineffective.
Persuasion became an important part of the public health tool kit in the 1920s, 説得が1920年代には公衆衛生のツールとして重要な役目を持つようになった。
with the rise of modern forms of mass media. マスメディアが現代的になったことも相まって
Health professionals began to draw on techniques from the emerging fields of advertising and public relations 健康のプロたちは勃興している広告やPR(public relations)の領域のテクニックを採用し始めた。
to sell people on the importance of childhood immunization against diphtheria and pertussis. ジフテリア(diphtheria)と百日咳(pertussis)の小児予防接種の重要性を人々に売り込むために。pertussisは「ぱーたっしす」と読みます。「た」にアクセント。必須単語です。
Such appeals began to acquire a more scientific basis in the 1950s, after the development of the polio vaccine,このようなアッピールはポリオワクチンを開発した後の1950年代にはより科学的基盤を得るようになった。
when sociologists, psychologists, and other social scientists began to identify the attitudes, beliefs, and social contexts that predicted vaccine-related behaviors. このとき、社会学者、心理学者、その他の社会科学者たちがワクチン関連の振る舞いを予測するような態度(attitudes)、信念(beliefs)、社会の文脈(social contexts)を見つけ出したのだ。
Their efforts brought increasing theoretical and empirical rigor to the study 彼らの努力により、研究への理論的、経験的厳密さはまして行った。
of why people accepted or declined vaccination for themselves and their children, なぜ人々は、自分と子どもにワクチンを受け入れたり、拒否したりするのか(という研究)
and health professionals used these insights to develop approaches to increase uptake of vaccines, 健康のプロたちは彼らの洞察(insights)をワクチン接種率向上のためのアプローチ開発のために使った。
such as enlisting community opinion leaders as allies.例えば、コミュニティーのオピニオンリーダーを仲間につけるとか。enlistは協力を求める、とか支持を得るという意味。alliesはallyの複数形で、「仲間」とか「同盟国」という意味。
Persuasive approaches, because they are less restrictive, are ethically preferable and more politically acceptable, 説得のアプローチはより制限のない、倫理的に好ましいもので、政治的にも受け入れやすかった(politically acceptable)。
but they are also time consuming and labor-intensive, and evidence indicates that by themselves they are ineffective.しかし、それは時間も手間もかかり、エビデンスによると、それだけでは効果不十分である。
今日学んだ単語:pertussis, insight, enlist, ally