Both persuasion and coercion are necessary, and neither is sufficient. Laws serve as a critical safety net as well as a powerful symbolic statement of proimmunization social norms. Education and persuasion are needed to maintain public understanding of the value of vaccines and trust in health professionals, both of which are essential to securing compliance with laws. The melding of the two approaches — along with ensuring a stable, accessible, and affordable supply of vaccines for everyone who needs them — is the central challenge for vaccine policymakers. As has been the case since the 19th century, effectiveness, efficiency, ethics, and political acceptability all need to be balanced in a careful calculus.
Both persuasion and coercion are necessary, and neither is sufficient. 説得も強制も必要で、そして両者では不十分だ。
Laws serve as a critical safety net as well as a powerful symbolic statement of proimmunization social norms. 法律は最重要なセーフティネットとして、またパワフルな予防接種バンザイ的社会規範の象徴的な宣言として役に立つ。
Education and persuasion are needed to maintain public understanding of the value of vaccines and trust in health professionals 教育と説得は世間がワクチンの価値の理解と、健康のプロへの信頼を維持するのに必要だ。
both of which are essential to securing compliance with laws. 両者は法の遵守を確たるものにするのに再重要だ。
The melding of the two approaches — along with ensuring a stable, accessible, and affordable supply of vaccines for everyone who needs them — is the central challenge for vaccine policymakers. 2つのアプローチの混合、、、安定して、アクセスの良い、コストに見合った(affordable)ワクチンの供給を必要な人全てに提供する、、、、はワクチン政策立案者にとってはもっとも困難なものだ。
As has been the case since the 19th century, effectiveness, efficiency, ethics, and political acceptability all need to be balanced in a careful calculus. 19世紀以降もそうだったように、効果、効率、倫理、政治的受け入れやすさの全てが注意深い計算のもとでバランスを持たねばならない。